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The impact of AI on business IT equipment needs

News Fleet

Discover Fleet's survey conducted in 2025 on trends, opportunities and costs for AI integration in business.

Baptiste Pételle

Baptiste Pételle

VP Growth

At Fleet, we've jumped into 2025 with an insightful study exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping IT hardware requirements.

AI tools like ChatGPT and Dust have become everyday staples: analyse medical results, assist with kid’s homework, plan holidays.

In the professional realm, AI is expected to be integrated into roughly 30% of devices and 50% of computers by next year, presenting challenges for equipment management.

Respondent profile

Organisation type:

96% hails from tech & AI startups or SMEs.

Organisation type

Familiarity with AI:

44% consider their AI skills advanced.

Familiarity with AI

AI adoption:

Task Automation:

Currently, 69% of businesses automate less than 25% of their tasks with AI, showing significant room for growth.

Task Automation

Teams involved:

70% of AI usage is in performance-driven areas like sales, marketing, and support.

HR and finance are still catching up, offering growth opportunities.

Teams involved

IT aquipment needs

Hardware renewal:

66% of companies feel the need to refresh their IT gear every 2-3 years. Over 50% are planning upgrades specifically for AI.

Features to improve:

Features to improve

Budget and investment:

54% foresee a rise in AI-related costs. 31% think more than 1000€ per workstation is needed for AI-compatible setups. 28% plan a hardware budget over 5000€ to support AI advancements.



AI integration is underway but incomplete, hampered by outdated equipment. Strategic investment can help businesses overcome current hurdles and position themselves as leaders in an increasingly digital world. AI isn't just a tool. It's a transformative opportunity for enhancing work environments.

Renew your IT equipment with Fleet.

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