How it works
Why Fleet?
Our Clients

Our Mission

To support the growth of scaling companies by simplifying the access, management and renewal of their equipment.

Our Solution



We replace costly traditional purchasing and archaic complex leasing with an all-in-one and transparent subscription solution to assist your company with the acquisition, maintenance, and renewal of its equipment.

Fleet Overview


This is the year of our creation


This is the number of countries in which Fleet operates

+1 000

This is the number of customers who trust us


important to us

Can-do attitude

For every problem, there is always a solution.


We genuinely care for your team's well-being

Measure to improve

Measure the results of our actions to improve ourselves every day.

Good Vibes

Spread happiness & good vibes.


Always be open, frank and honest.

It all began

in 2018...

The idea of ​​Fleet was born out of our difficulties as a startup managing our own computer fleet:

The lack of a service dedicated to pro acquisition: we bought our computers like individuals, at Apple or on Amazon.
This was inefficient, stressful and caused unnecessary cost when breakdowns or breakages happened, let alone when age took it's toll and it was time to replace the devices entirely.
We had difficulties monitoring the allocation of machines between arrivals, departures, renewals.
We had to allocate a growing portion of our cash to computers.

We turned to leasing to be able to equip ourselves with the best computers while conserving our cash. But the offers on the market were too complex, opaque, non-digitalised and especially non-suited to startups or SMEs.

So we decided to create a unique offer to meet the needs of startups and SMEs. We launched Fleet in April 2019.

+ 1 000 companies equip themselves with Fleet

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